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The Befriending Process



All Befrienders attend at least one training session, conducted by the Health Promotion Board. During this training session, you will be engaged by experienced professionals through the Youth Peer Support Programme. This will introduce you to common youth mental health issues, and equip you with peer supporting and self-care skills. For the current cycle, our training will be happening virtually on 20th August, from 9am-5pm!



Post training, you will meet your attached befriendee(s) for the first time! Based on the preferences indicated in our recruitment forms, the core team will have matched you to befriendee(s) that you are most likely to form a supportive bond with. We hope that you will approach them with an open mind and a heart to serve!


Nevertheless, the core team is always here if this befriending relationship is not working out so feel free to contact us.


This is the best part of the Befriender experience! Over the Befriending period, you will get to know your befriendee over virtual platforms, and support them using your skills as a peer supporter. Of course, you aren’t alone in this – Lighthouse will organise regular sessions to engage the entire Lighthouse community, including get-togethers, events, and more!


At the same time, if you are truly interested in furthering your knowledge on how to better support youths struggling with mental health, do look out for further advanced training opportunities during this period as well. Finally, fortnightly check-in surveys and a mid-point chat with a Befriending coordinator will give you the opportunity to address any issues you are facing, and bring up any concerns you may have.

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